[지은Ji Eun智恩]
이번 주말에는 무엇을 할 거예요?
What are you going to do this weekend?
어머니께 편지를 쓰고 책을 좀 읽어야 해요.
I have to write a letter to my mother and read a book.
[지은Ji Eun智恩]
무슨 책을 읽을 거예요?
What book are you going to read?
며칠 전에 한국 역사책을 한 권 샀는데
주말에 보려고 해요.
지은 씨는 뭘 할 거예요?
A few days ago, I bought a Korean history book,
and I'm going to read it during the weekend.
what are you going to do, Ji Eun?
[지은Ji Eun智恩]
친구와 같이 산에 가려고 해요.
I'm going to go to the mountains with my friend.
If the [brain] sees, hears, and thinks
'spiritually' and is inclined that way,
things are seen and heard spiritually;
if it sees, hears, and thinks 'physically'
and is inclined that way,
things are seen physically.
- Grammar -
V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 Be going to V
누구를 만날 거예요?
Who are you meeting?
일요일에 어디에 갈 거예요?
Where are you going sunday?
S-ㄴ/은/는데 S S and S
지금 교회에 가는데 지은 씨도
같이 가겠어요?
I am going to church now,
so do you want to go with me?
N-전에 N before
조금 전에 a little before. 며칠 전에a few days age
세 시간 전에3 hours age. 30분 전에30 minutes age
이번 This time/this coming
이번에는 선생님께 편지를 쓰려고 해요.
This time I plan to write a letter to teacher.
쓰다 To write
편지를 썼어요. I wrote a letter.
N-에게/께 편지를 쓰다 Write a letter to N
지은이는 선생님께 편지를 썼어요.
Jieun wrote a letter to teacher.
N-와/과 같이with N
나는 친구와 같이 산에 가려고 해요.
I plan to go to the mountains with a friend.
N-와/과 함께together with N
동생과 함께 제주도로 여행할 거예요.
I am going on a trip to Cheju Island with my younger sibling.